Available Prints

$145 each

Any 3 for $390 (SAVE $45) – can be any combination of the 3 products.

Want an extra special offer? If you add one or more of these products onto your Mother’s Day booking, receive $25 off your product order.

Glassless frame 8x12”

Your image printed on photo paper, finished with a soft laminate, then framed in a 20mm wide and 40mm deep moulding. Frame colour options in choc brown, oak, white and black.

Lumitile 5x7”

Your image printed on archival paper, mounted behind a 2cm thick perspex to sit on your shelf, desk or bedside table. With the engraving “To the moon and back”.

Mini Metal 8x8” 

A Chromaluxe metal print with a timber stand and acrylic plaque engraved with “To the moon and back”. crystal sharp and vibrant colours.

Round Wood print 8x8" 

Your image printed on a raw timber panel with a timber stand with "LOVE" engraved in the stand.


Sat, 29th April 

 3pm (BOOKED), 3.15pm, 3.30pm, 3.45pm, 4pm (BOOKED), 4.15pm, 4.30pm (BOOKED), 4.45pm, 5pm (BOOKED).


*A deposit of $100 is required to secure your booking and remaining amount is due four days prior to your session.


Sessions were held Sun, 26th March 



Please submit the below form with:

- Full name
- Email
- Number of people attending session
- Indicate your preferred package
- At least 2 time slot preferences

*A deposit of $100 is required to secure your booking and remaining amount is due four days prior to your session.

Three gorgeous Mother’s Day products available; the perfect gift for Mum or Grandma.This is a limited offer only available until Mother’s Day!

Here’s allyou need to know..

-         Lumitile5x7” – Your image printed on archival paper, mounted behind a 2cm thick perspexto sit on your shelf, desk or bedside table. With the engraving “To the moonand back”.

-         Glasslessframe 8x12” – Your image printed on photo paper, finished with a soft laminate,then framed in a 20mm wide and 40mm deep moulding. Frame colour options in chocbrown, oak, white and black.

-         MiniMetal 8x8” – A Chromaluxe metal print with a timber stand and acrylic plaque engravedwith “To the moon and back”. crystal sharp and vibrant colours.

-         Round Wood print 8x8" - Your image printed on a raw timber panel with a timber stand with "LOVE" engraved in the stand.

-         $145each (no matter which of the 3 products)
-         Bulkbuy: 3 products for $390 (SAVE $45) – can be any combination of the 3 products.
Want anextra special offer? If you add one or more of these products onto yourMother’s Day booking, receive $25 off your product order.

What photosdo I use?
-         Anyphoto we’ve ever taken! (Also open to discussion for photos you have taken)
-         Yourupcoming Mother’s Day session.

When do Iorder?
-         Orderscan be placed anytime from now until 27th April to ensure we getthem back before Mother’s Day!
-         Ifyou have a session booked after then, but before Mother’s Day (14thMay), and are fine to receive your products after Mother’s Day, then our finalorders will be made on Fri 12th May!

How do Iorder?
-         Sendme a message or email to express your interest for an upcoming session, or toplace your order from a previous session.